Participants of the november 23 GameJam with the Acagamcis

The next GameJam is coming up!

The next GameJam starts on April 19th at 5 pm!

The aim of a GameJam is to create a finished game within 48 hours and present it to the other participants. As the main aim is to have fun developing, you can of course also bring a project with you or improve your game even further after the GameJam. Even if you only have a few hours to spare, you can still take part. The game is usually worked on in groups that meet on the first day, but you can also join later or work alone.

What you use for game development is up to you. The engines Unity and Godot, graphic programs Gimp and Aseprite and version control with Github are popular at our GameJams – but we’ve also created beautiful games in MATLAB. There are also useful tools for those who can’t program or have little time, such as the 2D Hackschule and Scratch.

The GameJam takes place in the basement of the FIN: G29-K058 and G29-K059. As always with snacks and drinks!

Come and join us!

Resource List

Our advent calendar with all sorts of game development resources is now archived on our website. We hope to expand the list of resources to provide an overview for both beginners and advanced developers.

Find our new page here: (linking on the main page will hopefully come soon too!) The side is in German but the linked resources are mainly in English.

General Assembly 2021

On 25.10. the 18th Acagamics general assembly took place. All positions were filled and we look forward to another year with a new board! Elected were:

Chair – Sarah Mittenentzwei
Industry – Till Isenhuth
Teaching – Tobias Ehlert
Community – Janek Winkler
Culture – Lars Wagner
Treasurer – Julian Benda


New Website

After some turmoil with our old server we finally moved to a new webspace. That means a new website, more stable mail server, and less administration work!

Unfortunately we had to give up our own server in Magdeburg for this 🙁 The decision was not easy for us but since the problems with server failures have increased more and more and our admin team has slowly withdrawn from the active club life, we had to part with a heavy heart.

The website is still under construction. We still need to get used to the system, add content and update other. If you notice anything that can be improved, feel free to contact us!

Your Acagamics Orga