Developing games with pupils in Magdeburg

We’ve been to the Werner-von-Siemens school to teach pupils of the 6th grade about computer games and how to develop them.

On March 18 Sarah and Lars held a lecture about the general structure of games and then encouraged the kids to work on a new game themselves. So 12 kids sat down and worked alone or in groups (some even aided by a few parents who also joined the course) to develop their idea. An hour later, after a lot of sketching, debating and wild thoughts, the first session was done. Amongst the many ideas was a project that explored the universe, another cleaned up the sea by diving through the ocean to gather waste, and yet another project consisted of running endlessly through a forest to gather mushrooms.

On March 30 we met again, this time in the computer room of the school. Robert showed the 9 pupils and one parent in attendance what can be done with Godot and the kids eagerly matched every move. After two hours of hard work, there was a player on every screen, movable with the keyboard and able to gather stuff surrounding it. This session concluded our small but awesome project. A big thank-you to Ms. Motejat for all the arrangements and for making everything possible. Motivated teachers are great.

Sarah and Lars in action

Developed a game with pupils

Between November 2021 and January 2022, Julian and Kim met up with a handfull of pupils from third and fourth grade (8 to 10 years old) of the primary school Am Stadtsee Stendal to devise a game and also to produce material to use in it. The project was lead by Theater der Altmark to teach the kids about the theater and about acting, but there was a part about designing a computer game as well. In three weekly meetings, we worked with the children. They conceptualised ideas with us, drew a lot of pictures, and also made audio recordings to be used in the game. Everything was themed around the play Futur Eins: Leben auf dem Mars. We built a journey to Mars, with three problems one has to solve to successfully play through the game. It can be found online at no charge under:

The big challenge and biggest motivator for our Acagamics representatives was working with the children: “The project was amazing. The kids have an unbelievable amount of energy and an endless stream of ideas. But putting that to work is not so simple and of course there should be something to show for at the end of the project. It needed quite some thought and thorough planning. Thankfully, we had Sylvia Martin, the dramatic adviser from the theater as well as Veronika Riedel, who is trained in theater pedagogy, with us. All in all we are are more than pleased with the result. It worked as planned and the kids love the game.”

About 15 pupils took part. The project »Futur Eins: Leben auf dem Mars – analog und digital« was funded by »Wege ins Theater«, the support programm of ASSISTEJ as part of »Kultur macht stark. Bündnis für Bildung«.